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AfDB Regional Economic Outlook 2020: Harnessing West Africa youth workforce could speed economic recovery in the post-COVID-19 era

The report points to policies needed to improve skills to empower the West African labour force Growth in West Africa, poised to expand by 4.0 percent in 2020, now projected to contract by -2.0 percent in 2020; Demand for science, technology, engineering and mathematics increasing, though school enrolment, retention rates poor. West Africa’s burgeoning youth…


Moody’s – Coronavirus fallout poses a long-lasting economic, financial and social threat to African sovereigns

African sovereigns’ border closures and broader lockdown measures have significantly slowed small-scale trade across Africa, a crucial source of income and employment on the continent Recovery will be slow and there is a risk of longer-term scarring from the crisis Falling revenues from economic slowdown, spending on measures, and a rise in healthcare spending will…

US$324m worth of oil projects postponed due to COVID-19

So far, an estimated US$324million worth of drilling, acquisition and interpretation of seismic, geological and geophysics data projects have been postponed across the petroleum upstream sector, the National Petroleum Commission has said as the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the country’s oil and gas industry. Among them is included the Eban 1X exploratory…


Use borrowed monies for productive activities – AfDB tells Africa

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has urged governments across the continent to use monies borrowed from the international community to undertake productive ventures that will pay back, as the pandemic-induced debts are likely to plunge many countries into distress. Ever since the coronavirus disease began hitting economies around the world, several governments, including those from…


Mo Ibrahim’s thoughts ….No recovery without debt relief

Last month, the African Union launched the Africa Medical Supplies Platform to facilitate the production and provision of vital medical equipment – the latest achievement in an already impressive response to the COVID-19 crisis. Yet, in the same week, it was revealed that most of Nigeria’s federal government revenue was going to debt-service payments, and…

Can there be a winner in the U.S.–China ‘tech war’?

This article is part of the World Economic Forum’s Geostrategy platform When Donald Trump solemnly announced the reasons behind his trade war with China in late March 2018, he accused China of ‘economic aggression’. This concept has not figured in formal US economic diplomacy since 1943, when a senior US official accused Nazi Germany of this practice during…


How are companies responding to the coronavirus crisis?

The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities and businesses worldwide. Organizations around the world, including the Forum and its partners, are coming together and innovating to minimize the impact on public health and to limit disruptions to economies and supply chains. Here are just some ways Forum partners, corporations and other organizations globally…

IMF: These 3 policies could help Asia’s economic recovery from COVID-19

Asia’s dependence on global supply chains means it continues to suffer economically, as the coronavirus pandemic persists across the world. The region is projected to rebound strongly by 6.6% in 2021, but this figure is still 5% lower than what was originally predicted. Close co-ordination between fiscal and monetary policy, reallocating resources and readdressing equalities…

Forum on 60 years of Ghana-China relations held…..

Edward Boateng, Ghana’s Ambassador to China, Zhu Jing, Charge D’Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Accra and Musa Frimpong, Founder of the Duapa Africa initiative in a gripping conversation on Ghana-China relations, COVID-19 and the way forward as the two countries mark 60 years of a sturdy diplomatic relation between the two. The forum which…